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2,145 bytes added, 21:27, 29 July 2019
no edit summary
<div style="white-space: pre-wrap">
$0000 Temporary Used Memory Holds ()
$0001 Temporary Used Memory Holds ()
$0002 Temporary Used Memory Holds (Hitbox)
$0008 Temporary Used Memory Holds (DoorPointer)
$000A Temporary Used Memory Holds (LocationPointer)
$0011 Temporary Used Memory Holds (Whip Attack hight) ()
$0012 Temporary Used Memory Holds (Temporary sprite_index Used to keep track of $007F and $0565. Adds #$08 to Trevor's y when ducking ($0565==#$1C))
$0013 Temporary Used Memory Holds (Temporary y Used to keep track of $0041C when attacking.)
$0018 RomeLoader Mode 4=Loade 5=Black(07=debug)
$001a Random (INC) Used for ()
$001d Temporary Used Memory Holds (set to 01 Pause) (Set When on Stairs ??)
$001f 2 byte RNG
$0026 Controller Press (01 Right, 02 Left, 04 Down, 08 Up, 10 Start, 20 Select, 40 B, 80 A)
$0028 Controller Value Button State. Create Value out of button presses add/subtract Registered at $26
$002b paused if 01
$002e Flag Stage clear This gets set to 01 when collect Orb
$0030 ItemPickup Flash Timer. Set when whip upgrade is picked up. Trevor cycles through sprite palettes while this counts down.
$0032 stage A (Level)
$0033 Block B (Section)
$0034 Section C (Screen)
$0035 lives
$0036 points 0000xx
$0037 points 00xx00
$0038 points xx0000
$0039 character 1 (ff=empty 00=Trevor 01=Sypha 02=Grant 03=Alucard)
$003a character 2 (ff=empty 00=Trevor 01=Sypha 02=Grant 03=Alucard)
$003b character index (00 or 01)
$003c Health
$003d Boss Health
$003f GFX 4 byte
$0042 GFX ??
$0043 GFX ??
$0044 GFX 2 byte (Holds Current routine Pointer for swapping)
$0046 Index (Used in Door Transition) SpriteBank Transition Player Sprite
$0047 Index (Used in Door Transition) SpriteBank PlayerWeapon Sprite
$0048 Index (Used in Door Transition) ??Enemy Sprites??
$0049 Index (Used in Door Transition) Enemy Sprites
$004a Index (Used in Door Transition) Bank 400-7ff
$004b Current Bank 400-7ff
$004c Current Bank 800-8ff
$004d Index (Used in Transition) Bank 0c00-0fff
$004e 2 byte ??
$0050 2 byte Index (Used in Transition) Next Section
$0052 2 byte holds tilemap Left Section (past)
$0054 2 byte holds tilemap Right Section (infront)
 $0056 Camera y or xPos 00xx (Depending on Scroll type)CameraLock$0057 Camera x or xPos xx00 (Depending on Scroll type)CameraLock$0058 ?? 
$0059 CameraPos Right RanderTracker??
$005a CameraPos Left RanderTracker??
$005b Section Tracker/Counter Tracker counts left/up
$005c Section Tracker/Counter Tracker counts right/down
$005d 2 byte LevelLoading (StageInicator??)(Active when Moving into Stage)
$005f 2 byte Pallets Index (Used in Transition) (Active when Moving into Stage)
$0061 2 byte Part of the level tracker..
$0063 Part of the level tracker..
$0064 ??
$0065 Scrolling Left/down=00, Scrolling Right/up=01, Screen not Scrolling=02
$0066 Part of the level tracker..
$0069 2 byte StairPointer For CurrentSection?
$006e 01=SpriteSpeed right FF=SpriteSpeed left. Used when moving..
$006f 2byte Current CameraBGScrolling??
$0071 Camera Look (RoomLeangh)
$0072 HudFunction? 00 is bad
$007e time 00xx
$007f time xx00
$0080 01 or more=Trevor Sprite Flicker
 $0081 Trevor Movment State. x1 above ground, x2 only move right x5 No Colution, x8 Left x9 Right Hurt xe=Cinematic exit X=Amount of Damage and initiate hurt animation.
$0084 hearts
$0085 sub-weapon (Trevor)
$0086 sub-weapon (Helper)
$0087 Double/Triple value (Trevor)
$0088 Double/Triple value (helper)
$0089 02=refreshes screen somehow? used in paralax i think
$008e whip power up level (Trevor)
$008f whip power up level (Helper)
$008f whip power up level (Helper)0098 2byte CurrentPointer Candle/Enemy Table$009a 2byte CurrentPointer Misc Table $00ae AlucardBatHeartDrain Timer
$00b1 Keeps Track of last action??
$00ce Counter If=05 a subweapon dorps instead of a small heart
$00c7 WaterFreezTimer
$00fc TitelScreen Scrolling Y
$00fd TitleScreen Scrolling X
$00fe If uneven Greay scale (WindowEffect)
$00ff BankSetup
$01e4 Pointer??
$01e8-$0312 OAM Sprite Assembly Table
$01e8318-$0312 OAM Sprite Assembly Table3bf Pointers for level setup?3c0-3c4 Sound Effect
$318-3bf Pointers for level setup?
$3c0-3c4 Sound Effect
$00bf setting to 0x80 freezes stuff (preparation for death I think)
$400-405 Player Animation
$410 Animation CandleStand
$412 Animation Candle
$416 Uneven will destored the image at $417
$417 Displays IteamInfront of you??
$418 Hud Subweapon Sprite 50=Holywater
$419 Hud ShotMultiplayer Double=58
$419 Hud ShotMultiplayer Double=58
$41d 6 bytes Crusher Movement
$647 6 bytes Crusher Movement
$658 HitBox Enemy AB (A=1 MinimalDamage F=FatalDamage) (B=Effect 5 Sink 8 and 9 Push)
$490 Misc Sprite Address
$4a8 Enemy Movement 00 01
$4f3-4f5 Sprite Speed Direction 01=Right ff=Left
$509-50b Sprite SubSpeed Direction 00-ff
$550-56f Misc Handler
$567 Misc rocker assembly and Ai (8627 Routines) $57c-57d AnimationFramesBoss $588-58f AnimationFramesCandles
57c-57d AnimationFramesBoss
588-58f AnimationFramesCandles
-5a8 5a6 Whip
5aa-5af AnimationIDSprites??
5b8-4bf AnimationIDCandles??
$5aa-5af AnimationIDSprites?? $5b8-4bf AnimationIDCandles?? $5c1 Movement directions??Trevor ActionStateUpgrade $5c2 Movement directions??Boss 
-5c7 Movment Sprites
5ce CandleUpgradeAnimationState
4cf CandleUpgradeAnimationState
5d0-5d7 MovmentBehavier?Candles
5d9-5df (FreezTimer) MovmentBehavier?Sprites
$5ce CandleUpgradeAnimationState $4cf CandleUpgradeAnimationState $5d0-5d7 MovmentBehavier?Candles $5d9-5df MovmentBehavier?Sprites $5f0-5f2 EnemyActiveState5fc-601 Candle Content
$5fc61e-601 Candle Content 625 Direction/speed Pendulum
$61e-625 Direction/speed Pendulum $6e0-76f Collusion map (Turned-screen)
AB A=2x2 block square
Collution pointers
Collusion data 4a3 Stile offset range?? donno
$800 Mirror ZeroPage

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