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SOTN/Alucard Any% NSC

930 bytes removed, 21:04, 31 March 2024
Move info about Clock Rush to its own page
== Clock Rush ==
The primary goals for the [[SOTN/Clock Rush |Clock Rush]] Section are as follows:
*Perform [[SOTN/Death_Skip|Death Skip]] to keep your starting equipment
*Obtain the Cube of Zoe Relic
*Pick up a Garnet
*Enter the Left Statue Path in Clock Room
From the moment you gain control of Richter in the Prologue, the game has an internal timer used to determine whether or not the statue in the upper-left corner of the Clock Room is blocking your path. On odd minutes (say, 7:00 through 7:59 or 9:00 through 9:59), the statue will be blocking your path. On even minutes (say, 8:00 through 8:59 or 10:00 through 10:59), the statue will be out of the way and the path will be open. This internal timer is not the same as your real-time timer used during a speedrun, as time spent in menus or looking at the map does not count towards the internal timer. However, if you spend little time looking at your map or in the menu, they will be close.
After the Prologue, and for the remainder of the game, you play as Alucard. A few rooms into the run, you will come across a section where the game tries to force you into a cutscene with the Grim Reaper (also known as Death), who steals your starting equipment. If you execute the [[SOTN/Death_Skip|Death Skip]] glitch, however, you can bypass this cutscene and keep all of your starting equipment, which is some of the strongest equipment in the game.
During the [[SOTN/Clock Rush |Clock Rush]] section, the goal is to make your way to the Outer Wall and obtain the Soul of Wolf Relic from the elevator shaft, use a wolf stair jump to reach a vase on a high-up ledge and break it to get a Garnet, and return to the Clock Room while the path is open. If you reach the Clock Room while the path is closed, you will be forced to wait until the statue moves out of the way to progress. For example, if you arrive at the Clock Room when the internal timer is at 7:50, you will have to wait 10 more seconds before the path opens up. Once you have the Soul of Wolf Relic and Garnet and are in the Clock Room with the path open, you can jump above the left candle, transform into Wolf in mid-air and untransform immediately while still above the candle. Doing this enables Alucard to then perform a dive-kick by holding Down and pressing Jump while still in the air. The goal is to bounce off of the candle, which will give you enough height to reach the open path.

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