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SOTN/Alucard Any% NSC

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[[File:SOTNLibraryBookJump.png | 280px]]
Now, head back to just outside the Shop and execute the [[SOTN/Shop_Glitch|Faerie Card Shop Glitch]]. This glitch will duplicate your Garnet, giving you 255 of them. Sell at least 102 104 of them (which will show as E3 E5 in the Sell Gem menu), and use this extra Gold to purchase 1 Manna Prism, 2 Buffalo Stars, and the Duplicator. You may also wish to purchase a Library Card unless you are going to attempt the Library Floor Clip in the upcoming section. Don't forget to equip the Duplicator, Manna Prism, and Buffalo Star as you get ready to leave the Shop. With the Duplicator, you can now use consumable items an infinite number of times.
Leave the shop, heading to the right back to the stairwell with Books. Execute a wolf jump on the stairs to take the lower of the two paths on high-up ledges above the stairwell. This path will lead you to a fight with Lesser Demon and, eventually, the Soul of Bat Relic, which is behind a Gate that you must use Form of Mist to get through.

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