* CV4 Tournament: Check the Challonge link The tournament is over, congrats to Vruche for being crowned the current up-to-date bracket info! [https://challonge.com/jbbrw1ut] And make sure to watch the twitch channel [https://www.twitch.tv/castlevaniaspeedruns] for all upcoming matcheswhipman master of 2021!
* CV1 Tournament: Sign ups are going on for the Castlevania (NES) tournament. The tournament will start on May 15th, with a deadline of May 13th to sign up. To sign up please see the Challonge link: [https://challonge.com/cv1any2021]. Any additional questions can be answered in the Castlevania Speedruns discord under #cv1-tournament: [https://discord.gg/mPb9Vw8yrC].