restructure stub a bit for cleaner page linking
:*'''[[AoS/Bat_zip | Bat zip]]''' - to setup OoB warps for the Claimh and for reaching Chaos early
== Route overview Standard route ==:1.'''=== Start ===Perform the standard [[AoS/Baselard_manip | Baselard manip]]''':2. TODO describe xp route and first save === Tasty Meat manip=== TODO :3. Perform 0HP glitch in === Axe Armor room before Creaking Skull0HP Glitch setup ===:4. === OoB warp to Floating Gardens===:5. === Cow zip to Arena===:6. === Lubicant + Muramasa manip===:7. === Balore fight===:8. === Zips to Claimh and Chaotic Realm===:9. === Chaos fight===
== Tutorials ==
:*Complete video tutorial by Chewy4u