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SOTN/Alucard Pacifist

422 bytes added, 12:24, 13 March 2024
Give a rough overview of how to perform Kurasuman Skip
== Kurasuman ==
TODO[[File: Describe how SOTN_AlucardPacifist_KurasumanSkip.png]] By standing at a precise position in the room to the right of Kurasuman's room and using the Heart Refresh, Alucard can use a [[SOTN/Reverse Shift Line | Reverse Shift Line]] to skip past the fight with Kurasuman. NOTE: If you fail the skip, it is still possible to perform a [[SOTN/Revenge Tech#Kurasuman | Revenge Tech]] on Kurasumanusing Holy Water and a source of invincibility frames like an Antivenom.
== Underground Caverns ==

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