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SOTN/Alucard Pacifist

1,547 bytes added, 12:20, 6 March 2024
Describe how to farm Venus Weeds for Heart Refresh
If successful, you should appear in the next room over and skip the fight with Cerberus.
== Farming Venus Weed Weeds for Heart Refresh ==
TODO: Describe how To acquire your second Heart Refresh, you will have to perform farm Venus Weeds repeatedly using the [[SOTN/Revenge Tech #Venus Weed | Venus Weed Revenge Tech]]. It involves using a consumable that grants invincibility frames, a thrown weapon consumable, and Holy Waters at very close range in order to achieve the glitch. While farming Venus Weeds, you will want to have your LUCK stat as high as possible and have a Ring of Arcana equipped to increase your odds of getting the Heart Refresh rare drop from the Venus Weed. Doing this optimally will require that you unequip your Duplicator, since it both reduces your LUCK stat and takes up a slot needed for another Luck item. Even with all this, the drop rate will still be approximately 1 in 44 or a 2.3% chance. Farming Venus Weeds will usually take somewhere around 15 minutes on average, but can often take much longer than that if you get unlucky. Simply by leaving the screen and coming back, you can respawn the Venus Weeds Weed to farm it over and over until you get the Heart Refresh to drop from it. If during attempts you get low on Hearts, re-equip the Duplicator and Heart Refresh temporarily so that you can activate your Heart Refreshand replenish your hearts. If you get low on consumables, unfortunately you will probably have to reload from the most recent Save Room and return to this area. If you accidentally kill the Venus Weed and get XP, you ''must'' reload from the most recent Save Room and return to this area so as not to invalidate the run. The Venus Weed grants enough XP that a single kill will result in a Level Up, so it will be obvious if you do it.
== Lesser Demon/Bat Relic ==

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