no edit summary
== Safe Route ==
*Add beginning/B climb here
== Optimal Route ==
*Add beginning/B climb here
*10 hits will gain you the II multiplier
== Boss: Slogra ==
===When you dodge the dash you jump over the hitbox not away from it===
== Boss: Gaibon ==[[File:Gaibon 01.jpg]] [[File:Gaibon 02.jpg]]
[[File:Gaibon 03.jpg]] [[File:Gaibon 04.jpg]] == Boss: Death ==
{{#evt: service=twitchvod|id=408301224|dimensions=560|urlargs=autoplay=false}}
== Boss: Dracula ==
===Example 5 cycle Dracula===
{{#evt: service=twitchvod|id=425323053|dimensions=560|urlargs=autoplay=false}}
*Jay_cee started to do quick whips. This method with the diagonal works well since it is easy to release one of the direction to cancel the whip. Still a though strat to get 6 whips for a cycle though.