SOTN/Flea Man

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The Flea Man will initially aggro you when you are less than 96 pixels away (the red line in the images below)

The type of jump the Flea Man performs is dependent on how far away you are, whether you are facing the same direction he is or not, and the result of a call to the nice RNG (a 1d8, in dice terms)

The Flea Man has only five jumps, each with their own specific X and Y velocities that does not vary with the type of jump.

  • Small hop forward (~6 frames)
  • High jump forward (~50 frames)
  • Jump backward (~26 frames)
  • Jump in place (~30 frames)
  • Long jump forward (~34 frames)

If you are "close" (less than 80 pixels away, indicated by the red area on the floor in the images below), then the Flea Man will perform one of the following jumps with weighted probability:

  • Small hop forward 50% of the time
  • Jump in place 25% of the time
  • High jump forward 12.5% of the time
  • Jump backward 12.5% of the time


If you are a middle distance away (between 80 and 127 pixels away, the yellow region below) and facing toward him, then the Flea Man's jump will have the following probability:

  • High jump forward 62.5% of the time
  • Small hop forward 12.5% of the time
  • Jump in place 12.5% of the time
  • Jump backward 12.5% of the time


If you are a middle distance away (between 80 and 127 pixels away, the yellow region below) and facing away from him, then the Flea Man's jump will have the following probability:

  • Small hop forward 75% of the time
  • Jump in place 12.5% of the time
  • Jump backward 12.5% of the time


If you are "far away" (128 or more pixels away), he will always do a long jump forward.
