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Castlevania Speedrunning β


Level Details
Game Super Castlevania IV
Level sections 3-1, 3-2, 3-3
Level name Cave/Submerged City
Previous level Stage 2
Next level Stage 4


Safe Route

Optimal Route


  • This stage uses the Ring Glitch
  • Section 3-1 is known to be heavy on RNG due to the Mudmen patterns, you will have to adjust your strategies here depending on pattern and how much damage you've taken.
  • At 0:56 you can opt out of the fuzzball strat by just waiting to damage boost into it.
  • At 2:18 you can opt out of the ring strat but is 17 frames slower Compare Video

3-3 Skeleton Patterns

3-1 Mudmen RNG

3-1 1st Mudmen Bad RNG.jpg


  • Whip down at the Mudmen a later than usual. This will ensure that even with the worst pattern (where the Mudmen hugs the corner), Simon will not take damage.

3-2 Fireball Boost

Stage 3-2 Fireball Boost Setup.jpg

Alternative Strats

3-3 Fast Bone Dragon Kill


  • Very hard strat to nail. Executing a whip cross is a one frame trick and on top you do whip cancel to be able to jump faster.

3-3 2nd Eyeball Damage Boost

Alternative set-up

3-1 Mudman Pattern Option

Boss: Orphic Vipers

Safe Strat


  • A safe way to handle the 3-3 boss.


Alternative Viper Kill Strat