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Finish describing Breakless Richter Skip
There is a variant of the Wolf Method for Richter Skip called Breakless that is slightly faster if executed correctly. It involves not breaking the block and executing a different, more complicated jump from a different starting position.
There are several starting positions that will work, and each one has its own input timings that work. All starting positions and their variations follow the same general principle, and one such position and one of its input timings is detailed below:
TODOBreakless has a different starting position from the standard skip. There are actually several positions that can work, but each one has its own timing that works for it. For this specific position, with the wolf's foot planted directly on the last step, you will want to use the following timing diagram: [[File:SOTNBreaklessRichterSkipTimingDiagram.png]] The timing diagram is read from left to right, and shows how many frames you will hold LEFT (in green) and JUMP (in yellow). Due to the complexity of the inputs, it can actually be much easier to practice the skip in two parts. The first part involves clearing the doorway in a single bound while having the wolf shadow effect behind you. Performing the first part has the following timing diagram: [[File:SOTNBreaklessRichterSkipFirstPartTiming.png]] It involves holding LEFT for 3 frames, then letting go of LEFT for 2 frames, then holding LEFT again, followed 3 frames later by tapping JUMP. If performed correctly, you will clear the doorway in a single bound and the wolf will have a shadow effect coming off it, as shown below: [[File:SOTNBreaklessRichterSkipFirstPartConfirmation.png]] If you do not see a shadow effect, then you started holding JUMP exactly 1 frame after tapping LEFT, and should space those two inputs a little further apart.Once you are able to do this jump consistently, you can add in the second part, which is the air brake. This involves letting go of LEFT for a few frames (4 works for this setup), then repressing LEFT and holding it. All told, the entire skip will feel a bit like a triple tap of LEFT with a JUMP thrown in the middle of the second LEFT tap. [[File: Finish describing Breakless Richter SkipSOTNBreaklessRichterSkipTimingDiagram.png]] Although the timing diagrams above may give the impression that this method is frame perfect, there are actually numerous timing diagrams that work with this skip, and they all vary based on your starting position. Players wishing to learn this method are encouraged to learn the inputs by feel once they understand the basic concept.
== Relic Skip ==