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Castlevania Speedrunning β



3,256 bytes added, 04:21, 28 February 2021
Super Castlevania IV Tournament 2021
== Super Castlevania IV Tournament 2021 ==
'''Tournament start date:March 5''''''Streamed on:''''''Leaderboard:'''
The tournament will use a Double Elimination system: That means that every player will have to lose two (2) matches to be eliminated.
There will be two Brackets running in parallel:
* Winners Bracket (or Upper Bracket).
* and Losers Bracket (or Lower Bracket).
Those who win their first match will keep advancing within the Winners Bracket (or Upper Bracket) until:
* They advance to Grand Finals.
* Or they lose their match.
Those who lose a match in the Winners Bracket will be sent to the Losers Bracket and will keep advancing (within the Losers Bracket) until:
* They advance to the Grand Finals.
* Or they lose their match again.
Those who lose a match in the Losers Bracket will be eliminated from the Tournament (that is the meaning of Double Elimination system).
If a match is dropped after being sent to Losers Bracket, then you will be out knocked out of the tournament.
*The tournament category will be any%.
*Any version of the official game is allowed. No hacks or modified roms in any way, including palette swaps.
Timing starts on when you press Start from the Name Select screen. Use -3.95 on your timer or start your timer upon gaining control of Simon, then your final split time will be SDA timing as used on the leaderboard.
*Timing ends when Simon catches the orb after defeating Dracula.
*You may play on an official SNES, Wii (U) Virtual Console, SNES Minis and the following emulators: Snes9x 1.5.x, BSNES or BizHawk.
*All other emulators are banned.
*Third party consoles are banned..
We will be utilizing SRL IRC for all races in the tournament.
Match Procedure
Discuss and schedule a time to play your match against your opponent. The preferred method of contact is via Discord. You may also use Twitter, Challonge, and a Twitch direct message. These will be the methods we will ask you to explore if you have any issues contacting your opponent.
When both participants are ready, begin a race in the #speedrunslive IRC channel on or at with the command:
.startrace scv4
Once the race channel has been created, join that specific channel. Within the channel, change the goal to any% with the command:
.setgoal any%
Once that has been completed, both participants should enter the race. This can be performed with the following command:
When both participants are ready to begin the race, have their stream available, and are waiting on a file on the file select screen, type the following command:
The Race bot will then begin to countdown in the race chat, and upon reaching 0 both players will begin the race. The conclusion of the race is when Simon catches the orb after defeating Dracula, at the point type the following command:
And that’s it. Once the race is completed, please get in contact with a member of the admin team to update the standings and times.
Some additional handy commands for the race:
.quit - If something arises and you need to remove yourself from the race, then use the .quit command.
.undone - Use if you prematurely type .done or .quit before the race has ended.
Close registration
Get Stream Key for CV4 twitch
Ask around for restreamers
Assign roles to everyone
Create wiki page with everything on it
Public Schedule:
Deadline schedule