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Castlevania Speedrunning β


Revision as of 16:25, 2 August 2022 by Bogaabogaa (talk | contribs) (Auto Splitter)

General Game/Speedrun Information.


Version Differences

There are no gameplay differences between the U.S. version and its Japanese counterpart (Akumajou Dracula). Only graphical differences. For more info, go here - Regional Differences

Commonly Played Categories

  • Any% - beat the game as fast as possible
  • Low% - no whip upgrades or subweapons
  • Hard Mode - 2nd Quest, enemies have more health and there a lot more of them

Timing Methods

Timing starts on gaining control of Simon SDA Start Timing by Hanage and ends on touching the last orb after defeating Dracula.

  • -6.28 from START on title screen
  • -3.95 from name select to gaining control

Auto Splitter

Download the ASL file from the github linke:

Some emulators require you to run LiveSplit as Administrator!

Download AutoSplit. Rightclick LiveSplit and choose the layoutEditor. Add Controll > Scriptable Auto Splitter


Double click the added "Scriptable Auto Spliter" and browse to the downloaded asl script of Super Castlevania


Choose your setting that fit you current splits. Or modify the asl script in a text editor.

Banned Platforms

If you'd like to run CV4, the following platforms are banned to run on:

  • ZSNES (all versions x inaccurate Emulation)
  • SNES 9X (1.43 and below inaccurate Emulation)

Notes: Wii VC/SNES Classic are accepted platforms


Video Channels