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SOTN/Alucard Any% NSC

1,173 bytes added, 11:02, 31 August 2021
Fill in Inverted Castle section
== Inverted Castle ==
After you teleport into the Inverted Castle, you will immediately transform into Bat. Almost the entirety of this section will be spent in Bat form and involves chaining Wing Smashes together in long hallways and precise bat movement around and through enemies as you make your way through the Route. Along the way, you will encounter a fight with Medusa. Medusa is one of the bosses that drops a Relic that would ordinarily be required to complete the game, but since we will be performing the [[Relic Skip]] in the upcoming section, there is no need to collect it.
After the fight with Medusa, make your way to the vertical section with Imp and Sniper of Goth enemies flying around. With precise Wing Smash movement, you can make your way through this section unscathed as you ascend and head toward the Reverse Colosseum.
Enemies in the Reverse Colosseum and the remainder of this run are very powerful compared to your level and are capable of killing you in only 2 or 3 hits, so it is critical that you avoid getting hit in these sections.
After you leave the Reverse Colosseum, you will be in the Black Marble Gallery section where you will set up the Relic Skip.
== Relic Skip & Final Battle ==

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