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<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;font-size:85%;color:#777">Currently there are '''[[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]]''' articles.</div></center>
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<div style="width:50%;text-align:center;font-size:85%;color:#de1624">[ If you like this wiki any '''donations''' toward the server cost is greatly appreciated!] This server is about $6.10 a month including hosting and domain name and is maintained by crismas. All donations go straight to the server and if the cost is met then I will close donations for the month.
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* No upcoming tournamentsCV4 Tournament: The tournament is over, congrats to Vruche for being crowned the whipman master of 2021!* CV1 Any% Tournament 2021: The tournament is over, congratulations to shockra_tease who is now the fastest Belmont in the world in 2021!
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! scope="col" style="border: 1px solid #f4f4f4; background:none; padding: 6px;" width="200" | Time (AEST)
| CV1 Any% (Thursdays) || TBD 3PM || TBD 6PM || TBD 10PM || TBD9AM
| CV4 Any% (Sundays) || TBD 1PM || TBD 4PM || TBD 8PM || TBD6AM
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==[[Castlevania (NES) | Castlevania]]==
Quick links:
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
:* '''[[Castlevania (NES) | Main]]'''
:* '''[[cv1/tutorials | Tutorials]]'''
:* '''[[cv1/hacking | Hacking]]'''
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
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==[[Castlevania II: Simon's Quest| Castlevania II: Simon's Quest]]==Quick links:* '''[ Randomizer]''':* '''[ Randomizer Discord]''':* '''[[cv2/tutorials | Tutorials]]'''
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
:* No info yet, feel free to add!
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==[[cv3 | Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse]]==
Quick links:
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
:* '''[[cv3 | Main]]'''
:* '''[[cv3/tricks | Tricks and Tutorials]]'''
:* '''[[cv3/glitches_softlocks | Glitches and Softlocks]]'''
:* '''[[cv3/hacking | Hacking]]'''
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
I'm working on it. - Love, levelengine
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==[[cv4 | Super Castlevania IV]]==
Quick links:
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
:* '''[[cv4 | Main]]'''
:* '''[[cv4/tricks| Tricks and Game Mechanics]]'''
:* '''[[cv4/tutorials| Tutorials]]'''
:* '''[[cv4/glitches_softlocks | Glitches and Softlocks]]'''
:* '''[[cv4https:/tutorials| Tutorials]]''':* '''[[cv4/hacking | Hacking] Leaderboards]'''
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{==[[rondo | styleCastlevania: Rondo of Blood]]="width=: 100%; background* '''[[rondo| Main]]''':* '''[[rondo/tutorials| Tutorials]]''':none; border-spacing* '''[https: 6px 3px"// Leaderboards]'''
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| style="border: none3px solid #303030; background:none#303030; width: 25%; padding: 6px; vertical-align: top;" |
==[[Castlevania: Rondo of Blood SOTN | Castlevania: Rondo Symphony of Bloodthe Night]]==:* '''[[SOTN | Main]]''':* '''[[SOTN/Alucard |Alucard]]''':* '''[[SOTN/Richter | Richter]]''':* '''[[SOTN/Maria | Maria]]'''
:* '''[ Leaderboards]'''
:* '''[ Discord]'''
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==[[Castlevania: Symphony of the Night dracx | Castlevania: Symphony of the NightDracula X]]==Quick links::* '''[[SOTN Alucard dracx |AlucardMain]]''':* '''[[SOTN Richterdracx/tutorials|RichterTutorials]]''':* '''[ Leaderboards]''' | style="border: 3px solid #303030; background:#303030; width: 25%; padding: 6px; vertical-align: top;" | ==[[bloodlines | Castlevania: Bloodlines]]==:* '''[[SOTN Mariabloodlines |MariaMain]]''':* '''[ LeaderboardsBloodlines/Tutorials Tutorials]''':* '''[ Discordcastlevania_bloodlines Leaderboards]''' |}{| style="width: 100%; background:none; border-spacing: 6px 3px"| style="border: 3px solid #383838; background:#383838; width: 25%; padding: 6px; vertical-align: top;" |
==[[Castlevania:_Aria_of_Sorrow | styleCastlevania: Aria of Sorrow]]="border=:* '''[[Castlevania:_Aria_of_Sorrow | Main]]''':* '''[ Randomizer]''': none; background* '''[https:none; width// Leaderboards]''': 25%; padding* '''[https: 6px; vertical-align// Discord]''': top;" |* '''[ Randomizer Discord]'''
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