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797 bytes added, 08:28, 7 July 2022
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*Dagger Damage damage 32*Axe Damage damage 48*HolyWater Damage48 Holy Water damage 48 *Cross Damage damage 48 *StopWatch Freezes Stop Watch freezes most enemy sprites..
After hitting a Enemy/Candle, further hitting will be disabled for 17 frames. This is true for all crosses on screen.
=== Jumping ===
*Simon can jump over some enemies so as long as they are moving forward.
*When you jump down from a ledge that's at least 2 blocks high, you are forced into a crouching state for 10 frames. You can avoid this by just jumping immediately after making contact with the ground. Every time you jump means one less frame you would have to crouch. Walking off usually avoids this crouching state entirely, but wastes 1-2 frames for every ledge you walk over.
*It is possible to jump while using a subweapon. If you land while throwing one, you can jump immediately without losing any time.
*Jumping does have less frames then than the walking animation and can reduce lag on some screens when a lot is going onthere are many enemies. When you jump immediately, you can take off without seeing a single standing frame. This is a difficult thing to master because pressing jump too early will result in no jump.
*The ascending and descending part of the jump can be used to get hold on ground tiles.
A 3f and plus jump = 40f in air and the jump is 45 pixles hight pixels high altogether
A 2f jump = 38f in air 4 pixel lower then normal
A 1f jump = 36f in air 9 pixel lower then normal
=== One 1 and Two frame 2 Frame Jumps ===
{{#ev:youtube|7Ni0xnu3BLc|560||}} * Pressing the button for one frame will result into a shorter jump. It is used to lower distance to travel. Jump below crusher * These are applicable in many parts of the run and results in Simon having less air travel time and taking off jumping earlier.
* Two frame jump is still a bit shorter as the full jump with 3 frames or more.
* The video above is one example for how to perform the 1-frame jump on your controller.
=== Lock Movement on Ground and Stair Stairs ===
* If you keep holding the jump button you will be locked on the ground after landing. You can transit into the lock state form a whip state. The lock state can be used to Whip whip in 5 Directionsdirections.
* Holding jump on stairs result into a locked state on stairs. Also if you keep holding jump when landing on stairs you can avoid the upwards walk animation.
* Pressing jump while walking down will result into jumping off of the stairs.
* While using most subweapons you will be locked to the ground for a few frames. This can be used to buffer a jump input without moving in the x direction.
=== Damage Boosting ===
*Simon can only move so fast, but the game will move him a bit faster whenever he takes damage.*After a damage boost you will be invincible for 80 frames. * It can be used for things such as walking over spikes or through additional enemies and will help to reduce lag on some screens since your sprite does not need to be drawn every frame. * ''Technical Information:'' The counter is at CPU-bus: 0x0000bc
=== Stairs and Stair Boss ===
*Stairs slow you down, therefore, as little time as possible should be spent on them.
*Stairs are tile collision events that can interact with sprites. I think It is likely that the game is programmed so that Simon's x y coordinate can look lock onto the diagonal of the stair tile. *Below you see a tile grid and how a pixel can pass through without colliding with a stair tile   But every 8 Every 8th pixel you can fall through if you jump toward the stairs. Tiles are square of 8*8 pixels. You can see the gap on this example very good.  It will also give you a idea on what pixels you have to watch out for. The jump close to the stair is a duck-jump crouch since otherwise Simon will automatically hock lock to them.
You only lock automatically to stairs when they are on a edge so you can not simply walk off.
It will replace the frames where Simon has the legs close together when standing on a ledge.
Also jumping a few pixels after where you usually lock to them will result in getting higher up on the stair.
[[File:StairBoss.gif| 200px]]Here you see a tile grid and how a pixel can pass through without colliding with a stair tile [[File:TileGrid.png|100px150px]]
=== Stair Boss ==={{#ev:youtube|tpOJqLXKxVU|560||}} '''Notes'''<br/>*Video explanation of the stair boss and what to look out for.
== Candle Cancel ==
'''Notes'''*Sometimes you did see that you get hit but the game said no. Here is why.
=== Powerups =and Pick Ups ==
* WhipupgradeWhip Upgrade: This does waste time to collect but as you see in a low% run you will lose time after.
* Hearts: For the love of subweapon use. A small heart adds one (1) and a large heart adds five (5).
* MultiplayerMultiplier: Hit 10 things with a subweapon. Have more then 8 hearts and the multiplier will drop instead of a small heart. Whip upgrades do have priority over multiplier. You can find them in walls too. In more technical terms. On the S-CPU bus at 0x0013c6 is a counter that counts up every time you hit a enemy/candle with a sub weapon. When you reach ten (10) and the heart count is 8 or more, the next candle with a small heart will drop a multiplier. Also hitting a small heart with a subweapon with count 9 will drop one.
* Orb: Round, Shiny and finishes most stages.
* Money bagsBags: They don't slow you down, which is strange ^^they count toward your score and getting a 1-up. Not relevant in a speedrun.* One -Up: Can be found in a wall 6-3-3 or behind a pillar in the water-slide 2-3-2. It does the same thing as earning 20 000 or 70 000 points but without the points.
== Ring Glitch/Trick ==
== Whip Cancelling ==
*You can cancel out your whip shortly after using it. [http://tasvideos*Doing this allows you to perform more whips in succession than waiting for the full whip animation to tasvideos*This is not an easy trick to perform especially diagonally but can be worth it for securing faster boss]
=== Hanage's video demonstration Demonstration ===
=== Crunan video tutorial 's Tutorial ===
=== Simultaneous Whip and Subweapon ===Using a subweapon one frame after using the whip allows you to use both at a time.
*Using a subweapon 1 frame after using the whip allows you to use both at a time.
*Doing this allows you to kill enemies faster and is particularly useful during boss fights.
*Getting used to this is tricky and requires practice!

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