Cv3/Stage 4A Grant US
General Advice
Get ready to be frustrated, as this level has a lot of hard tricks that can ruin runs; the main three are the ceiling climb in 4-0B, the corner clip that comes right after, and the jump to the tilting ledge in 4-0D. The first one is RNG based and a glitch can occur which makes Grant fall off the ceiling instead of climb up, but the last two are 100% execution.
You'll want to grab about 20 hearts by the time you reach Medusa, should pick up the big heart in the second room of 4-0E (near two birds), a few small ones along your path, and shouldn't need any more for the other bosses.
4-0E Boss Fight
- You generally want to have full health entering this boss fight to have more room to improvise during the Cyclops fight.
- Stand on the block to the left of the second coffin and start throwing axes as the ghost enters the left coffin. After throwing 6 of them, step forward a bit and continue throwing. You should be able to deflect one of the bandages with your axe throws.