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SOTN/Alucard Pacifist

443 bytes added, 18:51, 9 June 2024
Introduce the Pacifist run
= Introduction to SOTN Alucard Pacifist =
The leaderboard for Alucard Pacifist runs is located at [ challenge category that requires killing Dracula while Alucardhas 0 XP and 0 kills (going by the in-Pacifist&x=mkexjrnd-kn0m7kol.4lx9k23l speedrungame Kill Count).com] under the Category Extensions pageAccomplishing this requires extensive knowledge of glitches and obscure game mechanics, many of which are unique to this category.
TODO: Introduce One of the Pacifist rununique glitches that is critical to this category is called [[SOTN/Revenge Tech | Revenge Tech]], and it allows Alucard to bypass certain bosses and farm certain enemies for drops without it granting him any experience points or increasing his Kill Count.
TODOThe leaderboard for Pacifist runs is located at [https: Describe Revenge Tech and its importance to //] under the categoryCategory Extensions page.
= Pacifist Route =

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